Computer Keyboard in Black and White



Black and White Photo of Pencils



Digital Literacy

Dot Grid

Did you know?

33% of global population

lacks meaningful connectivity.*

2.6 billion people lack ​access to the ​internet.

Horizontal Arrow Pencil Line

In the digital age, internet access is not just a luxury; it's a lifeline to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

Worldwide, nearly 3 billion people find themselves on the wrong side of this divide with the gap most pronounced in developing nations. This disparity not only hinders individual progress but also stifles the overall sustainable development of these regions.

Dot Grid

Our Mission

To bridge the global digital divide by empowering underserved communities through digital technology, fostering digital literacy, and promoting sustainable practices in technological innovation.

Our Vision

We envision a world where every individual, regardless of origin or socioeconomic status, has equitable access to digital resources and meaningful connectivity.

Upcoming Projects + Programs

The Little Digital Library Project

Raspberry Pi mini-computer hosts a local area network for localized e-learning + telehealth.

Hacking Tomorrow Conference

Bringing together the vibrant minds + passionate hearts of the social good, ​nonprofit, and tech industries to build a better future.

Tuk Tuks For Tomorrow

Partner with satellite ISPs to bring internet to disconnected areas via tuk tuks.

Dot Grid

Roadmap for the Future

Dot Grid



2026 - 2030

Discovered the effects of ​global digital divide in rural ​Cambodia.

Research, design, + develop ​pilot and long-term strategy ​under 501c3 fiscal ​sponsorship.

Deliver impactful e-learning + ​telehealth resources to those in ​underserved, disconnected ​communities.


Iterate on pilot for scale + replication. Innovate impactful solutions with those bridging the divide.


Meaningful Connectivity means:

Meeting minimum threshold of 4G-like speeds, smartphone ownership, ​daily access, and unlimited connection at a regular location.

Alliance for Affordable Internet

Full Roadmap

Coming Soon

Strategic Plan

Coming Soon

Let’s collaborate to bridge the divide.


TomorrowLabs is a 501c3 project ​sponsored by CascadiaNow!